This is it, folks...the final three!
Today I am so excited to introduce you to three of the seven New Release Designers:
Sphoorti Madugula
Meg Brooks
Lori Craig
The New Release Designers will be joining in with the other designers to inspire you with fabulous projects for each of the new releases from Ink Blot Shop in 2022.
Let's get to know each of these designers a little bit:

My name is Sphoorti (pronounced “spoor-thee”). It’s a hard name, so you can totally call me “Sporty”, like my non-Indian friends do. 😊 If my name didn’t have a lovely meaning (inspiration), I’d have changed it a long time ago to make it easier on everyone. LOL!
How did you get started in your crafting journey? I’m originally from South India, but I currently live near Los Angeles, CA and have been in the US for around 17 years (4 of which were when I was a teenager). That’s when I actually started making my own cards. By “cards”, I mean pieces of printer paper folded in half with confetti and stickers glued onto them, and sentiments written out with Gelly Roll pens (I know, I was a fresh-off-the-boat noob). Anyway, we moved back to India after 4 years, and I was too focused on my education to be able to take on a hobby, so I never got back into it. Fast forward to 2016 when I was dipping my toes into Calligraphy and I started to pursue, and that led me back to Cardmaking which I started in December 2016, and BOY! I was hooked!
What time of day are you most likely to be found crafting? You can find me crafting at the most random times during the day. Since I have a day job that keeps me busy 10 hours a day, I craft at nights and on weekends.
What are your favorite types of projects to create? I tend to gravitate towards the clean and simple style of cards. Love that white space! I can’t seem to make a card without dimension, so you’ll find that my work is somehow always propped up on foam tape. (As Laura Bassen sings – Dimension is liiiiiife!)
Where can your crafting presence be found online?
You can find me here:
Instagram: @StampAllTheThings

How did you get started in your crafting journey? I have always been a crafter. Ever since I was little, I always had my hand in some type of project. You name it and I have probably tried it. I first started paper crafting by scrapbooking. Card making came about 5 years ago. My mom was introducing me to "junk journaling" so I watched some videos on YouTube and what do you know... there was a Jennifer McGuire video that came up in "recommended" videos. That was it... I've been hooked ever since and I haven't looked back!
What time of day are you most likely to be found crafting? You can find me in my crafty space when the kids are in school. It's quieter and I can concentrate without being interrupted every 2 minutes for a "snack". I also try to take time on the weekends to get in quality time with my craft supplies.
What are your favorite types of projects to create? Is everything an answer? It is so hard to decide. I'd have to say that ink blending, coloring and die cutting are at the top but I truly do enjoy the whole process.
Where can your crafting presence be found online? You can find me on Instagram under my super crafty name: Anchored_by_ink. Don't have Instagram? No problem! You can find be on Facebook as "Anchored By Ink Designs" and also on my blog:
How did you get started in your crafting journey? I remember making my first cards in Mrs. Porter's 6th grade class. I was the girl who prayed for rain which always lead to indoor recess! Each one of my drawings featured a perfectly symmetrical rainbow created carefully with my protractor and crayola markers and crayons! It's safe to say, I've loved the ROYGBIV for many, many years! I found rubber stamping in 1998, and I'm almost amazed that after almost 25 years this hobby still brings an immense amount of joy and continues to bring special people into my life. (Pro-tip: The people are the real reason I'm still crafting! If you don't already, try to put yourself into situations where you can spend time with other crafters. I do my fair share of in-person retreats, group texts or Saturday morning ZOOM sessions with crafty besties! It keeps my heart happy!)
What time of day are you most likely to be found crafting? I used to be a late-night stamper, but now it's more often that I'm in my studio first thing in the morning or right before dinner!
What are your favorite types of projects to create? I enjoy making tags at Christmas, and I'm fond of a lot of different mediums - markers, pencils, paint. I also fell hard for my gel plate during the pandemic, and love the controlled messy looks I can achieve with that tool, but I am still wholly committed to my first love: card-making!
Where can your crafting presence be found online? You can find me on Facebook on my page Lori Craig Designs and in a variety of cardmaking groups, like Stamp Junkies and Share Handmade Kindness. I also share frequently on Instagram as wheatfield_designs (a nod to my beloved home, Kansas!). I love the micro-blogging idea of Instagram, but I do still blog (admittedly, more infrequently these days!) at
I've known Tifany for several years. I love her spirit and great humor, and I'm thrilled for the opportunity to work with her in this coming year! I hope you enjoy this creative journey with us!
How did I get so lucky to have all these amazing folks as designers?!