Does Ink Blot Shop LLC offer wholesale?
Currently, Ink Blot Shop LLC offers wholesale to a limited number of retailers within the United States on a case-by-case basis.
If you would like to be considered for wholesale and are located in the US, please send an e-mail with the following information:
- Business Name
- Title and Name of Person Requesting a Wholesale Account
- Type of Retailer (Brick and Mortar Store or Online Shop)
- Link to Website (for Online Shops)
- Store's Physical Address (for Brick and Mortar Stores)
- Number of Years in Business
If you would like to be considered for wholesale and are located outside of the US, please send an e-mail with the following information to be placed on a waitlist:
- Business Name
- Title and Name of Person Requesting a Wholesale Account
- Type of Retailer (Brick and Mortar Store or Online Shop)
- Country